hey there


Hello! I'm Holly and while I love being a wife and a kick ass mom, I also love being me! I decided to finally start focusing on myself more and rediscovering who I am, so I started a business, a blog, and yes even a YouTube channel! To me, it wasn't enough to live an average life just doing the everyday grind. I want that dream life! It's not an easy road to success and self fulfillment but I know I'll get there and I know it's worth it! So let's rock this road together!

My passions center around simplicity and personal growth and happiness. I love makeup, shopping, sarcasm, cupcakes, dirty jokes, mint brownie ice cream, white wine, and of course I'm obsessed with my little and perfect family. I'm a die hard 90's music girl and totally believe that anything can be made better or fixed with a good song. I believe each one of us has the potential and opportunity to be ridiculously happy and successful, no matter what your interests or talents are! I hope through my simple and messy and occasionally sarcastic words on this little blog, that you will find inspiration, fulfillment, positivity, laughter, motivation, and heck, maybe even a bit of something you didn't know you needed! Thank you for following along and supporting my dreams ><Holly><