

Welcome to my blog! I live for simplicity yet I strive to be bold.

The BEST makeup compacts ever.

The BEST makeup compacts ever.

We've all seen those pretty flat lays of gorgeous counters with a perfect mess of products from a girl getting ready and we see it and think "hm that's pretty.. BULLSHIT." You look at your makeup bag and contents and say "this is what it really looks like and the scene on the counter once I'm ready is anything but pretty. Ah the poor men in our lives.. But wait, does it have to be a crazy "ugly" mess? I can tell you first hand that my old makeup routine was in fact messy and unorganized and not a pretty "mess" on the counter. And then I started using Maskcara Beauty and my makeup game got a serious facelift (pun intended!) But why is it necessary to have "pretty" makeup packaging and unique compacts? Um.. it's not, but tacos and doughnuts and cute shoes aren't necessary either so.... cough cough. That's what I thought, read on..


Now maybe you want to leave this post knowing I'm an independent artist for Maskcara Beauty BUT I promise my goal here isn't to sell to you and certainly not recruit you. I used these beautiful products for almost 2 years before becoming an artist so I want to share with you why I made the switch to these beauty products and how they can really make your makeup organization and customization dreams come true! Of course there's a mile long list of reasons I love this makeup and why it is so different from anything else but that's a post for another day. Today I want to talk about the Maskcara Beauty COMPACTS because I feel like they really are the heart of the company.


These are not your typical run of the mill plastic see-through makeup compacts, and they are FAR from an oddly shaped bottle. They are a sturdy paper-based material made by hand and designed uniquely by an artist/designer with Maskcara. Currently there are 4 compact designs to choose from when you order but personally I'd go for the marble because it is GORGEOUS and the most popular. Whichever one speaks to you, they all start empty so YOU get the power back when it comes to your makeup. You get to choose what you want in your palette and how MUCH you want in it. One of the BEST parts about Maskcara's compacts are the different sizes you can choose from (5 to be exact!). Just a simple blush and mascara girl? Get the "square" compact that can hold a couple blush/lip colors or a blush and foundation or a few eyeshadows if you're feelin it! I actually have and use a square as a little travel compact in my purse with some blush/lip colors so I can touch up throughout the day!


But maybe you're more of a makeup lover and use all the things and want to condense your makeup collection without actually having to give up much product (because yes you DO need 3 different shades of a red lipstick!) So for you ladies.. there's the TWO LAYER compacts that still just blow my freakin mind! Think about this.. If you could have ALL of your makeup (like literally everything except your mascara) in one compact, small enough to fit into your purse, would that not ROCK YOUR WORLD?! Well it has rocked mine, that's for sure! Whether you go for the mini double decker compact or THE double decker, you really can fit everything you need for a complete and flawless face AND keep your powders and creams separate. Think about how awesome it would be to be able to travel with ALL of your makeup safe and sound with you on your CARRY-ON! No joke, I've literally done all of my makeup right there on the plane ride before in five minutes with just my double decker compact and one brush! Sure, maybe I got some weird stares but they were most likely jealous! haha


So maybe you don't care about the compact so much as the actual makeup inside. Well girlfriend- I got you! And guess what? The Maskcara makeup products are DAMN good and life changing but the compacts really do help with that even more! First, as I already mentioned, ALL of your makeup is one compact! Know why that's freaking nice? Well because now you don't have to go searching for anything or digging through that huge and gross makeup bag for one of your powders!

It also saves you time from having to open and close and twist and pop and whatever the hell else we have to do when doing our makeup! I mean.. how much time do you think you spend on fiddling with bottles and containers! And when it comes to application.. maskcara takes the cake with this one. Because Cara created her ingenious "IIID foundation", you only need FOUR products on your face for a complete, flawless, and naturally beautiful look. I mean less is more right??

I hold my palette in one hand and a brush in the other and no joke, I can do my entire makeup routine in about 6 minutes. MIC DROP. You a mom?? Cool, me too! It's a lot easier to hide one small compact than it is a plethora of makeup products and I've even done all my makeup while nursing once too!


Oh but what about all that money you invested in the compact and the makeup to fill it but now your favorite lip and cheek color is out.. Just buy it again! No need to buy a whole new compact and a bunch of product and colors you don't need.. you can buy that single color, that one refill, pop out the old one and pop in the new and done! Seriously.. once I started using Maskcara, I felt like I had been back in the stone age with my old makeup routine and just the whole process of it and the clutter and mess. I LOVE my new minimal makeup collection that is still everything I need. These Maskcara compacts are truly my all time favorite and in my opinion, an absolute must have for any woman who wears makeup!


Do you have a favorite compact that you think is the best? Tell me in the comments! Thanks for reading! ><Holly><


I know you want to check out these gorgeous compacts now and probably do a little shopping for Maskcara Beauty products, so head here! :) 

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