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5 Reasons To Switch To Cream Makeup

5 Reasons To Switch To Cream Makeup

It was about 7 years ago that I started to see and learn about cream foundation and the concept was weird to me. I think I was picturing something thick and greasy haha I had been using liquid foundation and powder blush for years but I also had never been happy or confident with my makeup or my skin. I started to follow Maskcara (now Seint Beauty) on Instagram and went back and forth on trying it. Finally I did and although it took a few tries to learn this new method of makeup and to get used to the feel and look of cream, I was in love!!

I've now been using cream makeup for 6 years now and I don't think I'll ever go back to liquid or powder, it's seriously SO GOOD! So as you can see, today's post is sharing the top 5 reasons you should switch to cream makeup. My favorite cream products to use are from Seint Beauty. You can check out their site here. Or you can take my free beauty routine quiz here to get started with a new and better makeup routine! Let's dive in!


Cream looks better. It just does! Did you know most professional makeup artists, models, celebrities, ect use cream makeup? Why? Because it looks youthful and photographs crazy well! Cream makeup gives you a dewey skin-like finish that is hard to get with liquid or powder products. It gives you a fresh, smooth, young looking finish while not sacrificing coverage which takes us right into reason two.


Cream makeup gives amazing coverage and long wear. Cream foundation doesn't settle into lines or clog up pores. It also doesn't create those cakey build ups on acne or blemishes. It can be worn all day with minimal touch ups and holds up pretty well against sweat.


Cream makeup is versatile! Maybe you don't want full coverage or to spend 30 mins on your makeup. Cream foundation can be applied really light and natural in just 5 minutes. So you can completely customize the products to your needs. I personally do a “barely there” look almost every time and I still can't get over how much you can't tell I'm even wearing makeup and yet I look bright and fresh! And Seint uses cream blush which also doubles as a lip!


It is great for any skin type, tone, and age. While I'm not saying that cream products can work perfectly for everyone, we're all different with different likes and needs. But it can and does often work with literally anyone! I have seen these cream products work for oily and dry skin, young and mature skin (in fact cream is THE best product for mature skin) and Seint has a wide range of shades for any skin tone and I can help you find your perfect match! Just click here to take my free quiz.


With Seint specifically, this cream system cuts your products in half saving you time, money, and from having too many products on your skin. The cream foundation (known as highlight) is meant to be worn by itself, no primer or concealer needed. All you need is 1 main highlight, 1 brightening highlight, 1 contour, and 1 blush/lip for a fast, easy, and gorgeous makeup look! Add in bronzer and illuminator if you'd like (also creams which means they can all be in ONE complete compact!) One compact means you don't have a dozen separate compacts and palettes to buy and sort through every morning.

And those are the top 5 reasons to make the switch to cream makeup and more specifically to Seint Beauty products! Click here to shop Seint Beauty. Again, I've used these makeup products for 6 years and I'm still in love every time I do my makeup! Still not convinced that cream makeup is for you? That's okay! Feel free to check out some more posts on my blog or click here for my YouTube channel with more info! And of course you can email me anytime with questions ( or click here to take my free beauty routine quiz!

Until Next Time… See Ya


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